The six reactive artifact types of IRP
IRP defines six reactive artifact types which are logical extensions and generalizations of the Rx concepts. A top-level division of artifact types is the distinction between hot and cold.
Cold artifacts are merely definitions akin to macros in programming languages. They’re passive, aren’t “running” all the time, and can be bound/inlined in the context of other definitions or hot artifacts.
Hot artifacts are running and can be compared to instances of objects in a programming language. They’re active, have a runtime lifecycle, and can be stateful and have to be maintained by a hosting infrastructure.
The six artifact types form a “Standard Model” for reactive processing with a symmetry between cold and hot artifact types. The cold artifact types are often referred to as “definitions” or “factories” (for their corresponding hot sibling). Hot artifacts are sometimes referred to as “processes” to reenforce their always-running nature.
Observableは、IObservable<T>に同型の(結果)型のコールド定義です。パラメーター化されたObservableの定義の例としては、WhereやSelectなどのクエリ演算子があります。また、イベントソースの例としては、接続文字列やトピックをパラメータとしたEventHub observableなどがあります。
Observables are cold definitions of a(result)type isomorphic to IObservable<T>. An example of a parameterized observable definition is a query operator, e.g. Where and Select. Another example is an event source, e.g. an “EventHub observable” parameterized on some connection string or a topic.
Observers are cold definitions of a (result) type isomorphic to IObserver<T>. An example of a parameterized observer is a “file observer” parameterized by the path of the file to write to, or an “EventHub observer” to act as a receiver for events.
Subscription factories are cold definitions of a (result) type isomorphic to IDisposable in Rx, or ISubscription in IRP. An example of a parameterized subscription factory is the Subscribe operation itself, which is parameterized on an observable and an observer. Other examples are composite subscriptions, “parameterized user-defined queries”, etc.
Subscriptions are hot artifacts that represent a running reactive computation which composes observables and observers to achieve event processing and data flow.
Stream factories are cold definitions of a (result) type isomorphic to ISubject<T> in Rx. An example of a parameterized stream factory is a “replay stream” with a parameter indicating the retention duration for events (similar to ReplaySubject<T> in Rx).
Streams are hot artifacts that represent an active stream. Streams are compatible with both the observable and observer type, so they can act as sources and sinks.
table:The types of these artifacts are shown below, in the quoted asynchronous space with extrinsic identifiers (see above):
Artifact Rx type IRP type
Observable IObservable<T> IAsyncReactiveQbservable<T>
Observer IObserver<T> IAsyncReactiveQbserver<T>
Subscription factory Func<..., IDisposable> Func<..., IAsyncReactiveQubscription>
Subscription IDisposable IAsyncReactiveQubscription
Stream factory Func<..., ISubject<T>> Func<..., IAsyncReactiveQubject<T>>
Stream ISubject<T> IAsyncReactiveQubject<T>
Note that the typing relationship of subjects inheriting from both observables and observers is retained between Rx and IRP:
interface ISubject<out T, in U> : IObservable<T>, IObserver<U> {}
interface IAsyncReactiveQubject<out T, in U> : IAsyncReactiveQbservable<T>, IAsyncReactiveQbserver<U> {}